Monday, October 11, 2010

Initial Meeting

5/10/10: Nigel Cunnings, Oxfordshire County Council
We met with Nigel today and he outlined the requirements of the combined Fire and Police Station at Thame.
Primarily they need us to write a brief which understands and outlines the stakeholders (the emergency services’ ) needs.

We need to explore whether the two services can work together on the same site, exploring the possible solutions and interactions between the services, and whether facilities can be merged. It needs to be established whether this will benefit or hinder the services.

Oxfordshire County Council requires us to produce the written brief and a conceptual diagram. Above and beyond this is for the design studio only.
For the stakeholders we need to stick to the brief and their requirements – we shouldn’t get too hung up on the design of the building. We need to ensure that we’re clear with ourselves and to others what we’re delivering to the stakeholders.
We need to ensure that the work we do fits the 2 different audiences; the presentation for each, (stakeholder and studio)  needs to be right and communicate fully the two different strands.

Hannah Wright a surveyor will facilitate our meetings and be our point of contact between the police and fire services.

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